INNO TAPE Diversity
About us


Because we care

Diversity is an integral part of INNO TAPE GmbH. We see diverse teams as an enrichment and firmly believe that they are more successful. Different perspectives provide new impulses and thus contribute to the success of the company in the long term.

It is important to us that everyone treats each other with respect, tolerance and without prejudice. With us, no one has to pretend and everyone can be who they are. Only then can everyone feel comfortable and enjoy their work.

What diversity means to us

When we talk about diversity, we mean the diversity of genders, generations, ethnic and social origins, religions, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientations and identities, but also work styles, personalities, lifestyles, skills, values and experiences.

Charta der Vielfalt

Since April 2022, we have been an official signatory of the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. This is an initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. The signatory companies make a voluntary commitment to diversity management. The aim is to create a working environment in which all employees are valued and promoted equally.

INNO TAPE stands for diversity and tolerance. We also want to show this to the outside world. For this reason, we have signed the Diversity Charter and are committed to an appreciative and prejudice-free working environment.

You are good just the way you are!


Since 2022, we have been focusing even more on this topic with the #wirsindinnotape campaign. In this campaign, information on the topic of diversity is provided on a weekly basis via our app. The primary aim is to raise awareness and educate people about what diversity actually means and why it is important to us.

One after the other, the individual diversity dimensions are explained in more detail and the entire team is invited to share their experiences on this.



  • equal opportunities and equal treatment
  • flexible working time models for all
  • support services for childcare
  • trusted representatives elected by the team
  • encouraging mixed teams
  • sports programs for different needs and fitness levels
  • calendar with international holidays of different religions
  • living and encouraging a trusting and appreciative culture
  • accessible website
  • fair recruiting and promotion processes
  • gender-appropriate external and internal communication
  • educate in order to reduce prejudices
  • team-building sessions strengthen the sense of community and understanding for each other
  • photo wall of the entire team shows diversity – everyone should choose a private photo that shows how he or she wants to be seen
  • everyone has an annual meeting where they can get feedback and express their own wishes or concerns



Hello, what can we do for you?

Our team is ready to answer your questions and advise you.

+49 5181 80687-0