About us


All INNO TAPE GmbH products and solutions originate from safe, efficient and environmentally compatible manufacturing and production processes. We pay great attention to the considerate consumption of energy and raw materials, the reduction of waste and pollution, the careful use of resources and the greatest possible reduction of CO2 emissions.

In this way, we assume responsibility towards future generations and are committed to sustainable development – economically, ecologically and socially.

Our goal: climate-neutral production by 2030

Porject list

Everyone is involved

We want to be climate neutral by 2030 – we have been setting the course for this for some time. In a project list, the entire team collects ideas on what else we can do to do more for the environment and become more sustainable. The list is growing every day and we are grateful that the whole team is so committed to the issue of sustainability.


Carbon footprint

Wa want to know where we stand and what needs to be done

That's why we draw up an annual measurement of our carbon footprint with kosmogrün from Hildesheim. Here we can see exactly in which sectors we still have further savings potential. From the beginning, it was clear to us that we didn't want to achieve climate neutrality by offsetting alone, but rather by first adjusting the real parameters within the company.


  • switching company cars to e-cars
  • charging points
  • green electricity and biogas
  • switch to paper: document envelopes, delivery note envelopes, packing tape
  • environmentally friendly cleaning products - tabs instead of new plastic bottles
  • switch to organic cow's milk and soy milk
  • clear waste separation in all areas
  • organic waste bags made of paper
  • paper waste is collected in reusable cloth bags
  • climate-neutral printing of business paper and print media
  • recycled pens
  • switch to recycled paper: printer and business paper, envelopes and toilet paper
  • water dispensers instead of water from plastic bottles from retail stores
  • from plastic to paper business cards with QR code (fewer prints)



Hello, what can we do for you?

Our team is ready to answer your questions and advise you.

+49 5181 80687-0