Cost Optimization

Reduce Procurement Costs Cost Optimization in the Automotive Supply Industry

Cost Optimization in the Automotive Supply Industry

How Buyers Can Reduce Procurement Costs

In the highly competitive automotive industry, optimizing procurement costs is crucial for success. As a buyer of automotive supplier parts, you are constantly seeking ways to source products at competitive prices without compromising on quality and functionality. A common challenge is target prices that seem difficult to achieve. However, with the right strategies and a holistic approach, you can achieve significant savings.


Understanding the Entire Procurement Process

A key factor influencing the price of a component is the complexity of the drawings and specifications. Often, suppliers receive highly complex specifications that include numerous extras, driving up the price. It can be helpful to carefully review the requirements and simplify them if necessary. In many cases, a reduced but well-thought-out design is sufficient to meet all requirements while lowering costs.


Avoiding Over-Design

"Over-design" is a common issue that leads to unnecessarily high costs. An overly detailed and complex drawing can complicate and increase the cost of the manufacturing process. It is worthwhile to discuss the specifications with the supplier and find out if a simplified version of the component can meet the same requirements. Often, "less is more," and a simpler design can be not only cheaper but also faster to produce.

An example

Optimization Potential in Components

An example illustrates how different versions of a component can lead to various price levels: By choosing the appropriate version, you can specifically address needs and budget.



  • continuous liner (cover film)
  • attached touch tab
  • rough mould contour


  • continuous liner (cover film)
  • attached touch tab
  • rough mould contour


  • Three-part liner
  • Finger lift made from liner protrusion
  • Recess as positioning aid
  • precisely fitting molded contour

A Holistic Approach: The Entire Process Matters

Not only overly complex but also overly sparse information can be problematic. If the entire manufacturing process is not considered, an initially inexpensive component can become more expensive later due to subsequent adjustments and optimizations. Therefore, it is essential to keep the entire process in mind – from the initial steps to the final product. Sometimes, small optimizations in advance can lead to significant savings in subsequent processes.


Relying on Experience and Expertise

By considering the mentioned factors, you as a buyer can achieve significant cost savings while simultaneously enhancing the efficiency of your procurement processes. Utilize the expertise of INNO TAPE to achieve your goals and remain competitive.

With our many years of experience in the automotive industry, we are well aware of the challenges suppliers face and offer tailored solutions. Through close collaboration and comprehensive consultation, you can ensure that you not only get the best price but also the optimal solution for your requirements. Avoid risks and rely on a specialist who helps you save costs, time, and effort.

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Annkathrin Grube

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