
On the road with the company bike

Since a few months, our employees can lease a company bike. Nine of them are already equipped with an e-bike or bicycle and use it actively. The idea for this came from our INNO VISION ideas competition. Here, our employees were able to submit innovative ideas that develop the company. Whether process, product or service – there were no limits. Among many other great ideas, one was the company bike leasing. By using the bike, our employees are doing something for their health and for the environment at the same time. Of course, it can also be used privately and does not have to replace the car for business trips. But it can!

Thomas Weiser gave our apprentice Nicole Koch the task of organising and implementing the "Service bike leasing" project. At INNO TAPE, the trainees are always assigned projects which they plan, implement and finally evaluate.

"My tasks during the project were very varied and exciting," Nicole says. "First, I contacted possible leasing providers via the internet to find out more about leasing. When I had all the necessary information, I compared and evaluated them. In the end, there was only one provider we were completely satisfied with - so the decision was made. I then organised an information event and presented the service bike leasing concept to all employees.


The first employees quickly decided to lease a company bike, so I contacted the selected provider again to request the contract documents. At the same time, I drew up a transfer contract between INNO TAPE and the employees who wanted to take advantage of the leasing. Finally, I got access to an online portal to manage the leasing there. Throughout the entire project, I was available to answer any questions the staff had – and that's still the case today, because just now, in the summer, a few more staff members are coming in to take advantage of the offer.

I liked it very much that I was given this responsible and extensive project. I was able to work on the topic according to my own ideas – I appreciate this trust. Through the project, I have learned to organise myself even better and to deal confidently with challenging tasks – I have definitely developed personally in the process."

We think it's great that the offer is accepted so well and would like to say THANK YOU again for the submitted idea as well as for the great organisation by our trainee Nicole!

INNO TAPE employees with their company bikes



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